1st February 100 Word Challenge

Posted: February 1, 2012 by INC in Flash fiction, fun
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Here’s our new challenge set by theheadsoffice http://100wc.net/?p=317

the ground slowly parted

OK, get writing!

  1. Mrs Skinner says:

    Hello everyone!
    I do hope you will have a go at this new prompt. I’m hoping to see some really great writing that you can share with the other schools!
    As it says above – let’s get writing!

  2. Checo says:

    The Underground Story
    Some children were looking for treasure underground. They saw a red button. They pressed it because they thought it would it would take them to the treasure. The ground slowly parted and there was no light. The children died down there.
    They were walking and walking, then they hit a step and they crashed to the floor and hit their faces. They ground closed up again.
    The following day, their parents came looking for them. They came to the underground. They pressed the red button as well. Then they said the magic words and the children came back to life again.

    Checo is a guest writer from Year 2

    • INC says:

      Well done Checo. Are you working on your illustration so we can add it in? Roo was supposed to post his story too, but I think he’s about to kiss the deadline..

  3. roo360 says:

    Beep beep beep beepebibidib “breaking news earthquake prediction in town by loacal psychic. In more storys famous authers 200th birthday”. Terry was hungry and wanted ice cream so he got up looked in the freezer he never had any so he went in his garage and got his motor bike. He was driving broooom brooooom brooooom ggggggggrrrrrrrrr he stopped instantly. Grrrrrrr the ground slowly parted lava was in the cracks of the ground. Terry zoomed but the ground caught up he fell in the lava he melted! Well thats what he thought sitting hungry on the sofa. Bad luck terry.

  4. Jen says:

    Lovely onomatopoeia with all the sound effects. I could really do with some more punctuation to help me understand.

    What happens at the end? Has he dreamt it or imagined it?

    well done for getting Dickens’ birthday in aswell!!!


  5. INC says:

    BTW, do use the link to the headsoffice and comment on stories from other schools.

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